All posts by Jennifer Waldsmith


Will 5G Technology Have an Effect on Your Business?

In our ever-changing technological world, we constantly need to adapt to new updates, software systems, and technologies. As seen with the recent pandemic, even if you stay up-to-date on new technology and business trends, unforeseen events such as the pandemic have changed the entire business world. With the 5G network and devices beginning to roll out, you may be wondering what 5G technology is, and will it have an effect on your business?

As providers of colocation servers, cloud servers/VPS, and other networking services, at Lightwave Networks, we constantly update and innovate to keep up with the changing digital landscape. We believe it is vital for business owners to stay informed, as network changes will undoubtedly have a significant impact on every business sector. 

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Colocation data center

Hosting Advice’s New Feature Article on LightWave Networks

At LightWave Networks, we keep our ear to the ground for all news, advancements, cloud servers, and network management trends. We were delighted to find Christine Preusler’s article LightWave Networks: Providing Fast, Reliable, and Personalized Hosting Solutions to Businesses Nationwide, as she delves into the various benefits of private cloud solutions, high-quality dedicated servers, cloud backups, personalized colocation services, and managed networking

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Edge colocation servers

What is Edge Colocation?

Computer-related terminology is extensive and can often be confusing. If you are a business owner researching potential areas to relocate to or to open another office in, one aspect you should be aware of is your new location’s proximity to data centers. If you have already begun researching this, you may have come across the term edge colocation. So what is edge colocation?

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Different Data Center Tier Classifications

Data Center Tiers Explained

If you own a business that requires a large amount of bandwidth, data, and applications, you may have heard of data centers. Data centers are essentially storage facilities for applications and data. They are designed to deliver shared data and applications and usually consist of servers, routers, firewalls, and more. There are various types categorized by data center tiers which range from Tier 1 to Tier 4. As suppliers of data centers, colocation servers, cloud servers/VPS, and more, we wanted to outline the various tiers and give you insight into which tier is optimal for your business.

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cat purring

‘Meow’ Attack Deletes Over 4,000 Unsecured Databases

First identified in late July, and automated hacking attack has deleted data from over 4,000 unsecure databases. The targets of these ongoing hacking attacks are unsecured Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and Redis databases. There has yet to be any ransom demands made, so it appears these attacks were specifically designed to delete all data. These threats are being called Meow Attacks because they leave a “meow” signature on server log files.Read More

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